Inspired by a real person with NASH |
She understands the importance of liver health
because of her personal experience struggling
with NASH* and going through a liver transplant.
Fatty liver disease happens in stages. The first is fatty liver, where there’s a buildup of fat in the liver. Some people with fatty liver can develop a more severe form of the disease called nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, or NASH. This happens when the fat in your liver becomes toxic to you, killing liver cells and making the liver inflamed. As the liver reacts to these changes, it gets scarred (fibrosis). NASH can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure, the need for a transplant, and even death.
NASH is now called MASH.** Learn more about the NASH to MASH name change here.
The best advocate for your health is you. No one knows your body better. If you were told you have fatty liver disease, it’s possible for the problem to progress to NASH - a more serious disease. Talk to your doctor to understand your risk and what to do next. This document can help guide your discussion.
Olivia wants to get the word out about the risks of NASH and the dangers of liver scarring.
Adjusting and maintaining a healthy diet– in addition to other lifestyle changes, like introducing or increasing exercise – may feel challenging, especially as you work to balance your health needs with social expectations and pressures. But if you or someone you know has received a NASH diagnosis, it is essential, as it can help reduce liver inflammation and slow the progression of the disease.
To get started on the healthy eating kick, try Olivia’s cauliflower tortilla recipe from her family dinner, which is abuela approved.
In 2022, a group of NASH patient advocates came together to develop ideas for a “Patient Service Announcement” video that would reach the many Americans who may be aware they have fatty liver disease or NASH, but don’t fully understand their risk. Not everyone with fatty liver disease will progress to serious complications, but some do. Many of the patient advocates who participated were told by their primary care physicians “don’t worry, you just have a fatty liver” as they were progressing to advanced liver disease and, in some cases, liver cancer and liver transplant.
The patient advocates’ personal experiences and desire to encourage others to take control of their liver health inspired a creative idea for the Patient Service Announcement video campaign: Be Your Liver's #1 Fan.
Several patient advocacy groups, including the Global Liver Institute, the Fatty Liver Foundation and NASH kNOWledge participated in brainstorm sessions that inspired the Be Your Liver’s #1 Fan campaign, along with Terri, Jennifer, Susan, Jane, Bruce, and other members of the patient community.
During the first brainstorm session, a story that Terri shared about a chance encounter she had with a person who was just recently diagnosed with fatty liver disease provided the creative spark that led to the Olivia character.
Madrigal Pharmaceuticals has provided financial support for the project, but the Be Your Liver’s #1 Fan campaign does not focus on pharmaceutical treatments for NASH.
It’s not always easy to find accurate information about NASH online,
but these websites might be helpful if you are looking for education and support:
The Global Liver Institute provides
NASH information in multiple languages.
Liver Education Advocates runs the largest
online support group for people with NASH.
The Fatty Liver Foundation’s Wellness League is a community-driven health and wellness platform for people at-risk of or living with fatty liver disease and NASH.
The Taking on Fatty Liver & NASH website from Madrigal provides NASH information and resources.
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